Using Essential OIls. Lavender continued.

Well I might as well elucidate the other ways to use this.  It is risky but hey I am judgment proof since I have no real property or money so not tooo big a worry right?  But y'all wouldn't do that to me - besides the info is correct but please do use your common sense and finally do so at your own risk!      I am not a doctor afterall.  :)

Ok  for sleep one can use lavender in a diffuser (according to the instructions that accompany the diffuser) or put it in lotion at 2% (see chart ) and rub on your hands and feet and back or neck or even face - the oil is sedating and the message is relaxing as well (it can be put in a light oil or lotion and used on your face to aid with acne and other skin problems, bugs, fungi, bacteria, even ringworm although there are stronger oils to use for ringworm, still it should work fairly well...).  You can put it in a very light oil at 1-2% (see Chart) like Apricot Kernel or Abysinian or Cammilia oil and rub this on your scalp to aid in greater hair growth or to deal with dandruff (dandruff is caused by a fungus of sorts and/or bacteria as there are different causes of dandruff and lavender kills both ...well or dryness and lavender in an oil carrier will help this as well - Rosemary Essential Oil is especially good for grey hair or dark hair and lavender or one of the citruses better for blonds, but with some of the citruses you need to watch out for sun sensitivity - expressed lemon, as well as lime, grapefruit, bitter orange and bergamot are sun sensitizers but NOT sweet or regular orange or mandarin or some of the sweeter orange citruses like tangerine or distilled lemon.  Bergamot can often be purchased minus bergapten which is the chemical that causes this sensitivity.  Avoid sun exposure for 24 hrs after using sun sensitizing oils).  Lavender tea is helpful as well to relax or sedate but if you are bent on taking essential oils by mouth the way to do it is by adding 1-2 drops to a tsp of honey and mixing it in well and taking by mouth or add one or two drops to a gel capsule along with a ml or 2 of oil olive oil or similar vegetable/nut oil like Avocado or Pecan, Walnut, Seasame,  etc Oil and there are blank tabs you can buy that one can just put drops of EOs on that help with solubility as well as a substance called Solubol (if you ingest them often then one might want to consider purchasing some of this).

For bronchitis, a respiratory infection or lung/nasal congestion add a couple drops of lavender (or better yet Rosemary or Eucalyptus Essential Oil) to a bowl of steaming water and lower your head over it with a towel over your head to inhale the vapor - do this carefully!  One can easily burn their nostrils by inhaling water vapor that is tooo HOT!  There are also blank nasal inhalers - these are great even if you do not have an issue with your lungs or breathing as they are a great way to get Essential Oils into your system fast and easy and they last a long time (the inhalers are good to use for about 3 weeks!).  Here's a link (normally my nails grow well but working has caused some issues - if only I could force myself to don gloves more often LOL.  I really ought to!):  Video showing how to make an inhaler  (I'm still fiddling with all the lighting equipment - I'm not the best photographer/videographer - but you'll get the point!)

Diffusing lavender will kill bacteria and fungus in the air - depending on the size of your diffuser to the size of your space of course - this only takes about 15-20 minutes or you can keep it running but it likely will make you drowsy or at least pretty relaxed.  Many folks burn or diffuse lavender at night in their bedroom - but it is great for a sick-room as well (as is lemon or any of the citruses, cinnamon leaf, rosemary, thyme-linalool, eucalyptus radiatta, lemongrass, balsam fir, pinion pine, chamomile, bay and so many others.  Rosemary can be burned directly from the leaf to the same affect.  French hospitals did this for ages and ironically stopped right around the time that it was confirmed that this does in fact kill air-borne bacteria!  LOL  Folks were worried about the smoke but bacteria of course is a bigger killer than the smoke unless one is around smoke very often but how many folks burn tons of incense afterall in their ordinary lives?  So that it isn't that big an issue but of course bacteria is!)

Well the uses for lavender essential oil is actually a super duper long list but hopefully this helps folks to get an idea on how to use it if they weren't already aware.  It is an antiseptic, pain killer, relaxant (mind and muscle), decongestant, mild sleep aid, anti-anxiety/anti-depressant (but doesn't give one energy as say a rosemary would), fever-reducer, it can even help with an upset tummy although it is not even close to the best oil for that it'll do in a pinch, it's a wound healer..... Lavender is often called the one essential oil you should have in your first aid box if you are going to have only one essential oil.

(Wanna check out my Homemade Soap?)

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. 


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