Essential Oil Usage: Peppermint

Okay let's move on to one of the MOST commonly used essential oils but one that has substantial harms attached to it if used incorrectly. Upping the ante so to say :) Mentha x piperita is the Latin for Peppermint. While there are LOTS of mints there is only one peppermint - otherwise it's Chocolate Peppermint or Cornmint or Spearmint and so on (I have never seen Chocolate Peppermint sold as an essential oil but if I had a still and a BUNCH of Chocolate Peppermint you can betcha that I'd distill some!!) In any case, Menthol comes from Peppermint. It is used alllll over the place in food and medicine and cleansers and so forth. It is one of the essential oils that has alot of commercial and other uses. But you do not want to get it up too close to your nose or especially around the nose of a child of any age which could cause breathing problems for that child so care must be taken when you have Peppermint Essential Oil in your home! The other ...