
(I was moving when I took that pic - you can see boxes in the background - I moved to Georgia all the way from California where I had lived all my life previous to the move - next pic is of the pond my house sits on here in GA)

HI !

As a start-up for a blog, I figure I should introduce myself.  My name is Cynthia Scott.  I create many things and so I thought I'd blog on it.  Why?  For several reasons but the number one reason is to get my name OUT THERE!  I would like to sell some of my creations and my understanding is that in order to do this effectively it is best to provide folks with valuable information - usually via a blog but not always.

My favorite thing at present to create is soap but I don't think I'm going to write about soap-making as the topic of the blog as I don't think very many of you will be interested - although certainly there are quite a number of folks who are so there will be some posts on that.  Rather I'm going to focus on essential oil usage - correct essential oil usage for the time being.  LOTS of people are interested in that right now and I just so happen to have completed the work on a full course of aromatherapy - the French Aromatherapy Course at as a matter of fact.

I have yet to do the final paper.  I spoke to them about it and they also know what is going on in my life and while I didn't ask for more time, they said take it. LOL   They do know I can tend to go on and on LOLOLOL!! (I think they are afraid I'm going to present them with a book to read :)...  Nah I'm kidding.  They know that I just got well from an illness and am looking to DO stuff not just read and write - and yet here I am typing away - but it is SO that I can get busy selling my creations....soap mostly!)

So I should be good at blogging right??  And no I am not attempting to sell to you although I certainly wouldn't mind if each and every person who comes across my blog visits my website as well,  I don't expect that anyway.  I will be providing useful information on essential oils among other things and it would be great if you added your "two cents" on whatever subject is being discussed at any moment in time.

The other reasons for blogging are as follows:  it's therapeutic!, it's free (almost), it's a way to actually publish (I'm an authority doncha know!), and the second biggest reason to blog - networking! - it's a great way to get folks together in one place.  So and as I say in my website as well Here I Be! (but on the website I was talking about spirituality - another big topic of interest for me and I will likely get to that as well.)

Try my Homemade Soap:, - currently shut down and being reworked! is still up and running and


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